만남, 변화 그리고 행복이 있는 교회

The Church with new meeting, change and happiness

하나님을 찬미하며 또 온백성에게 칭송을 받으니 주께서 구원받는 사람을 날마다 더하게 하시니라(행2:47)

작성일 : 10-11-16 08:37
Light of Hope
 글쓴이 : DavidSuh
조회 : 1,616   추천 : 1  

God's glory be praised.

I've heard many times about hikers stranded on a mountain. The temperature drops, and eventually the night comes.  Hikers in these stories are usually unprepared for an event like this. Afterall, it was not meant to be a 3 or 4 day hike. It was a day hiking up and down the montain.
And than the accident happens. Either they slip and hurt their limbs or slips and trapped in a crevice in the mountain.  When the complete darkness is all around, maybe the only light the hiker would see is the start lights or a moonlight. There will come a time when the temperature drops so low the hiker can't even sleep. Half awake and half asleep, shivering to a point when the bones and joints hurt, and hungry or thirsty. I can kind of imagine the fear, lonliness, and helplessness the hiker would go through.  Sun down to to next light, is about 12 hours. But, I am sure those hours felt forever for the hiker. Just like what we feel when we feel stranded, lost and helpless. 

Then, through the corner of the eye, the hiker will see a sign of a light!  First, the hiker will be thankful to be alive. Relieved, waiting for the light to show the sun, and anticipating the warmth.

The past couple of morning, I started jogging. Excercising is a one of a good method to release stress.  Then God revealed a little secret for me.  He revealed that during 40 years in the desert, God provided Mana for His people. They had to get up early in the morning to gather the blessing God sent from heavens, litterally!  They ate the food and went on their daily lives: Heading to the Promise Land.  God loves me so much that he provided 2 type of Mana. Revealation of His love for me and something we take for granted: OXYGEN!  Have you seen football players breathing oxygen during football games? During the game, when the players are not able to aborb the oxygen as much as they can intake from "air", they put on the oxygen mask to breath in oxygen from oxygen tanks. Pure Oxygen.   We all heard plants and trees produce oxygen. During the day, the amount of oxygen produced is constantly absorbed by the air pollutions we create. The quality of oxygen is not as good. However, in the morning after the imbalance blances out, the oxygen "smells" good. It feels concentrated.  It smells even better as light overcomes the darkness and the sun rises above the horizon. I urge you to get up in the morning and go for a walk or a run. As the sun comes up, breath in the oxygen God pepared for you.  See how God's light provides the hope and strength to go on and breath in the pure oxygen to support your day. And then, pray. Thank him for His blessing and His provisions.  You may notice a difference on how you perceive and overcome the "pollutions" we experience from rest of the day. 


임은영 10-11-16 09:04
형걸이 아버님!
이렇게 삶을 나눠주시니 감사합니다.
아버님의 글을 읽고 도전받아서 당장 조깅을 시작하고 싶은데..
아침에 하기엔 너무 추워요.. 탄이학교도 보내야하고요..--;

하지만 오늘 탄이 학교에서 돌아오면 탄이 자전거타고 저는 유모차끌고
주님이 주신 만나와 같은 산소 마시러 집 앞 공원으로 가려합니다.
아침공기만큼 상쾌하진 않아도 파란 가을하늘에서 쏟아지는 따스한 햇살 받으며
탄이와 앞서거니 뒤서거니 하며 공원 한바퀴 도는 것도 꽤 괜찮아요.
걷다보면 주님이 주신 많은 것들에 감사와 찬송이 절로 나오지요.^^
주님의 풍성한 사랑과 은혜를 경험하는 복된 하루되세요~~
박영철 10-11-18 14:00
oh!! David!!!
나도 읽어보라고 주신 글인데""
어쨌든 임 전도사님의 답글을 보니 <주님주시는 축복>을 누리라는 권면인것 같슴니다.
감사합니다.저도 만나산소 많이 마시어 <산소같은 남자>이고 싶어요!!
hyojeongle… 10-11-20 23:50
요즘은 정말 날씨가 좋지요? 덥지 않고 아주 춥지도 않아서 운동하기 딱인데...조깅까지는 어렵겠지만 저도 다시 걷기 운동을 시작해야겠어요. 맑은 공기를 마시며 새소리도 들으며 눈부신 단풍잎도 주워가며... 걸으면서 아침마다 새로운 주님의 성실하심을 더 경험하고 싶네요.

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