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하나님을 찬미하며 또 온백성에게 칭송을 받으니 주께서 구원받는 사람을 날마다 더하게 하시니라(행2:47)

작성일 : 10-11-26 14:34
At the end of a rope
 글쓴이 : DavidSuh
조회 : 2,058   추천 : 1  
   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hny-xp4k9c&NR=1 [637]

- When you get to the end of a rope, tie a knot and hang on- Franklin D. Roosevelt

FDR is one of my favorite president and person in history. FDR is a symbol of the "never give up" in my mind.  There are many things in our lives that drives us to the point of an end. In spritual battles, in relationship quarrels, in parenthood challenges, in physical limitations, etc. 

Often i make attempts to overcome challenges and hardships with my own ability. I believe that I am old old enough, strong enough, smart enough and spritual enough. And at times I am. I learned through my experiences and equipped myself with the Word to overcome the obstacles. But, sometimes I struggle as probably most of us do. Suddenly, I'm at end of my rope. Situation could be that I was over confident or God desires for me learn and grow spritually, or both. All of us probably goes through this situation daily, some days more intense than the other. When we get to end of the rope, tie a knot. Before I say a harsh words that would hurt someone, before I do things that are not Christian-like, before I turn an opportunity of God's blessing into a stumbling block, tie a knot. Hang on - and then pray. God will send help. He will carry me. He will pull me. He will push me. He will save me. As He has done in the past, as He is now, and as He will in the future. 

In the group called AA (Alcoholic Anonymous), or any substance abuse clinics, they have a word: Fell off the wagon. This term means that the person couldn't resist the temptation and succumbed in their battle against alcolhol or other addiction. At the end, they couldn't hang on any longer. Maybe they didn't know how to tie a knot. Maybe they didn't know a help will arrive.
Everyday a christian faces not only the sprituals battles, but also personal battles that effects our christian lives. If I keep slipping down on the rope, I need to know where the end is. I need to make sure that I "stay on" the christian wagon.  I need to learn to have enough rope to tie a knot when I slip to the end so I can "stay on."     And hang on. And pray.  Help is on the way.

류석 10-11-26 14:41
Yes, we must stay on and hang on Jesus Christ.
I encourage you with God's mercy and faithfulness.
He never fails and abandons us.

임은영 10-11-29 09:54
형걸이 아버님!
쓰신 글이 참 마음에 와 닿습니다. 오랫만에 듣는 Mercy Me의 찬양도 제 마음을 울립니다.
어제 아이들에게 설교했던 내용은 빌립보서였는데요..

감옥에 있는 바울이 믿음을 잃지 않고 꿋꿋하게 빌립보교회의 성도들에게 권면하지요.
그 중에 하나가 REJOICE (기뻐하라!!!) 였는데요. 하나님이 자녀삼아주시고 영원한 삶을 약속해주셨기에 우리의 상황과 환경을 넘어서 우리는 기뻐해야하는데 그렇지 못한 경우가 훨씬 더 많지요.

이번 한 주 동안도 우리의 상황과 환경이 우리를 낙심케 하려 할지라도 하나님께 붙들리어 Hang on 을 넘어서 REJOICE하는 삶을 살 수 있도록 기도합니다. 

유투브 영상에 있던 짧은 단어가 강하게 남습니다.
P.U.S.H  - Pray Until Something Happen 정말로 기도해야겠습니다 ^^
DavidSuh 10-11-30 11:27

제가 그 하루에 들린 아버지의 메세지를 올렸는데 읽어주시고 또 support 해주시니 계속 글을 올릴수 있는 용기가 생기네요.

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